Help Us Keep The Site OnLine
Our Server costs are huge. We almost had to close the site last March because our Server and operating fees were far beyond what the donations & ads could cover. Thanks to some of you we are still able to keep the site up.
If you have benefited from our free service and you would like to contribute to help keep the site alive,
please support us from time to time using one of below methods:
(Those who donate generously will recieve a FanCode that will:
1. remove all annoying Pop Up & other advertising on TubeOffline, 2. serve Downloads thru a Faster priority server, and 3. remove download limits on some Downloaders)
1) Paypal
2) Patreon
3) Credit Card
4) Bitcoin

If you wish to donate bitcoin you can sign up for a Dirpy Premium account here: We offer both on-chain and lightning network payments!
Thank you in Advance! :)